Sunday, April 27, 2008

Now this is funny

Michael and I laughed pretty hard at this yesterday. We almost felt sorry for Jeff Bernstein!

Make sure to pay attention to the guy with the moustache who rationalizes the Jets not drafting Dan Marino. Priceless


Glenn Davis said...

Since the Jets so wisely passed on Marino in '83 maybe in a couple of years they will draft Moreno from Georgia. They still have a chance to get one of them. In the meantime, justice was done in New York with the what I consider the greatest play of plays (a/k/a "The Clock" play against the Jets - AT THE MEADOWLANDS!). This was too funny. Thanks for posting this!

Glenn D.

Glenn Davis said...

Well, here it is! I knew I could find it on youtube. The spanish subtitles make it funny, but the video is fantastic!!! Enjoy!