Here's a great message from Betsy Palmieri:
Today, Rocco and I were sitting in a restaurant and three women were arguing -
no, DEBATING about Michael Jackson and whether or not he had a geri curl during the
time his hair caught on fire. It was about twenty minutes long (the debate not the hair
style) and it was loud and across the tables from us. All I thought about was, "Hmmm!"
Nothing less, nothing more. I was aching to join in but Rocco shot me a look.
We were somewhere in Brooklyn, right where the five borough bike race was passing.
Which by the way? Looks like fun. Perhaps we can set up a team and we aim for it next year?
Matching helmets for you and Amy to wear? And we can have horns that sound like they
belong in a Burgess Meredith film or somethin'. Maybe tassles on the handle bars, too.
I mean it.
We love you,